Baby > Tommee Tippee Perfect Prep Day & Night
Fast Bottle Preparation: With the Tommee Tippee Perfect Prep bottle maker you can prepare a fresh baby bottle, at the correct temperature in only 2 minutes! Antibacterial filter: features a unique membrane designed to remove any impurities and contaminants present in the water Hot shot: The initial ‘hot-shot’ of 70°C water kills any bacteria present in the formula after which cooler water is dispensed to deliver a bottle feed at body temperature, just like breast milk Sleep-friendly volume control: The adjustable volume control gives you the option to silently prepare baby bottles while the rest of the house still sleeps Digital display and night-time glow: With a clear and easy to use digital display, soft-glow tank lights and handy bottle stand downlights, preparing a bottle feed in the dark has never been simpler
  • Freshly made bottle in less that 2 minutes
  • Clear and easy to use digital display
  • Preparing a bottle feed in the dark has never been simpler

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From €6.07 per day

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